Catalogue of works > Event details
"Enrique Brinkmann"
(Solo exhibition )
places and dates :
in Málaga (Spain) - From 18.4.2008 To 18.6.2008
Related publications :
"Brinkmann entre claroscuros" (Newspaper article) Málaga hoy , Málaga (Spain), 18.4.2008
"Retorno a lo matérico" (Newspaper article) Sur , Málaga (Spain), 2.5.2008
"La permanente búsqueda de Brinkmann" (Newspaper article) El País , Madrid (Spain), 27.4.2008
"enrique Brinkmann" (Exhibition Catalogue) , Málaga (Spain), 2008
"La pintura rebosa la malla metálica de Brinkmann" (Newspaper article) Sur , Málaga (Spain), 28.4.2008
Related objects :
10 líneas con numeración errónea (2005) -
10 líneas numeradas (2005) -
Dos burbujas blancas (2008) -
Dos horizontales con escalas (2008) -
Dos horizontales paralelas (2006) -
Errónea tabla cuántica (2006) -
Espacio sórdido (2008) -
Estela funeraria con viñetas (2005) -
Hilera horizontal (2007) -
Hilera partida (2007) -
Hileras monocromáticas (2008) -
Horizontal con cuadrículas (2008) -
Larga hilera horizontal (2007) -
Limite horizontal (2006) -
Líneas señalizadas con rojo (2005) -
Ocho líneas sin numerar (2005) -
Próximos tiempos acuáticos I (2006) -
Quién mató a Cornelius Cardew ? (2008) -
Secuencias de vida y plomo (2005) -
Serie Blanca I (2008) -
Serie Blanca II (2008) -
Serie Blanca III (2008) -
Serie Blanca IV (estado original) (2008) -
Serie Blanca V (2008) -
Siete burbujas negras (2008) -
Tres franjas horizontales con acetatos (2005) -
Tres registros (2006)
I ask collectors, gallery owners and anyone interested to check whether your works are already included in the list of works on this web. If you have a work which is not included or want to complete data, please send an email to, with a good digital image of the front and of the verso, with the following data:
- Title
- Dimensions
- Support and technique used,
- Year of creation
- Provenance
and all data you think are important.
Thank you very much for your cooperation!