Catalogue of works > Event details

"Línea Espacio y Expresión en la Pintura Española Actual"
(Group exhibition)

places and dates :
in Buenos Aires (Argentina) - 1980
in Río de Janeiro (Brazil) - 1980
in Brasilia (Brazil) - 1980
in Porto Alegre (Brazil) - 1980
in Bels Horizonte (Brazil) - 1980
in Santo Domingo (Dominican Republic) - 1980

I ask collectors, gallery owners and anyone interested to check whether your works are already included in the list of works on this web. If you have a work which is not included or want to complete data, please send an email to, with a good digital image of the front and of the verso, with the following data:
- Title
- Dimensions
- Support and technique used,
- Year of creation
- Provenance
and all data you think are important.

Thank you very much for your cooperation!