Catalogue of works > Directory details


(ID 105)

Publications (as author):
Newspaper article "Brinkmann, por Europa" ABC Cultural in Madrid (Spain) - 23.7.2011
Book "Ut poesis pictura" in Madrid (Spain) - 10.1988
Newspaper article "Acotaciones de lo moderno" Diario 16 in Madrid (Spain) - 27.1.1996
Newspaper article "Retórica del esplendor abstracto" Diario 16 in Madrid (Spain) - 20.3.1996
Article in magazine "Brinkmann en Zaragoza" Guadalimar - Revista bimestral de las artes in Madrid (Spain) - 2.1982
"Enrique Brinkmann. Semiótica textual de un discurso plástico" in Montpellier (France) - 1981
"Brinkmann: el esplendor misterioso de la imagen" Revista De Occidente in Madrid (Spain) - 9.1992
Article in magazine "Brinkmann: un clásico de la modernidad" Cambio 16 in Madrid (Spain) - 19.2.1999
"Teoría literaria y semiología del arte visual" Universidad Complutense in Madrid (Spain) - 2003
Book "Brinkmann: Figuras de la abstracción" Pintores malagueños contemporáneos in Málaga (Spain) - 2006
Exhibition Catalogue "Brinkmann" in Zaragoza (Spain) - 1996

I ask collectors, gallery owners and anyone interested to check whether your works are already included in the list of works on this web. If you have a work which is not included or want to complete data, please send an email to, with a good digital image of the front and of the verso, with the following data:
- Title
- Dimensions
- Support and technique used,
- Year of creation
- Provenance
and all data you think are important.

Thank you very much for your cooperation!